Thank you letter I wrote on behalf of Magistra Nicolaa, for Claire Boudreau, Chief Herald of Canada , for
acting as key note speaker at the 2015 Knowne World Heraldic and Scribal
Symposium held in the Royal Citie of Eoforwic, Ealdormere.
Oyez! From Magistra Nicolaa de Bracton, Rouge Estoile Herald
Extraordinary, on behalf of the heralds, pursuivants, and macers of the Known
World of the Society of Creative Anachronism, to Claire Boudreau, Chief Herald
of the Dominion of Canada, in service to Her Majesty Elizabeth, Queen of
Canada, greetings.
Likewise, from the scribes and scriveners of the aforesaid
Society, also greetings.
As the sharing of knowledge is a just and good thing, and as
you have this day shared your knowledge of the arts heraldic with any person of
this realm, and any person of whatever state, condition or degree, that could
attend this symposium, and as you did so honourably and truly as your will and
reason served you, and greatly was this sharing of knowledge to the advantage
of all our sovereign lords and their realms, and all their heralds,
pursuivants, macers, scribes and scriveners collected before you, we give great
thanks, honour and blessings to you, the aforesaid Claire Boudreau, and
commend, applaud and acclaim you and your efforts.