
Colyne has written several books during his time in the SCA on various subjects.

Arts & Sciences

A collection of A&S articles by the populace of the Canton of Ardchreag.

The Compendium of Colyne (book)
This volume collects most of the articles that Colyne has written over the past ten years, ranging in subject matter from medieval toilets to bestiaries, from the rules of medieval games to cooking a Yuletide feast.

"Composing SCA Award Texts," The Compleat Anachronist, Issue Number 167, First Quarter, 2015. (monograph)
Colyne discusses many aspects of composing text for SCA scrolls based on period sources, including legal, religious and poetic documents, as well as tips on how to research the recipient and tailor the wording to fit the recipient's persona.

From the works of the troubadours and trouvères of the 14th-century to those of the skalds and scops of the 6th, poetry has been written in Europe for a very long time. Within this volume Todd H. C. Fischer has gathered information on different poetic genres, forms and devices used across Europe during the early, medieval and Renaissance time periods. You may have heard of roundelays, madrigals, ballads, and—of course—sonnets in high school English class, but have you heard of hrynhent, leich, letrilla and zéjel? Mr. Fischer (who holds a double honours BA in English and Creative Writing) has made the study of medieval poetry a passion. He has scoured hundreds of volumes on medieval literature to here gather together information ranging from Anglo-Saxon versification to the obscure fatras of France. Most entries are illustrated by period examples, quoting works by Dante, Shakespeare, Marie de France, Raimbaut of Orange, and many others. Indices at the end of the volume allow easy cross referencing of entries by location and time period. Students of literature, lovers of poetry, and medieval re-creationists alike will find this volume essential.


The Badger Broccan (book)
This volume collects most of the short stories that Colyne has written over his past ten years in the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA). Tales include “Ghosts of Yule” (a SCAdian retelling of “A Christmas Carol”), “Duke Sir Bjornnson and the Ring”, “Mahault and the Magic Belt”, “Berend and the Bear”, and several others.

A collection of stories about the people of Ardchreag.

Cry of the Colyne (pdf)
A collection of Colyne's bardic works.

Lion-Wolf of Ealdormere (book)
Lion-Wolf of Ealdormere (kindle)
The Society of Creative Anachronism (SCA) is a world-wide living history club with members numbering in the tens of thousands. Within the SCA the Honourable Laird Colyne Stewart (otherwise known as author Todd H. C. Fischer) has, over the past decade and a half, written many poems about the people and events that make up the Society. This follow up volume to Wolfen Elegy contains over two dozen poems written in several different medieval forms. From the German sprechspruch to the French kyrielle, from the Norse drótkvætt to the Irish amra, Colyne has tried his hand at several styles, attempting, in his way, to preserve the deeds of valour and honour he has witnessed over the years.

A tongue-in-cheek SCA parody of National Geographic.

Wolfen Elegy (book)
This volume collects most of the poetry that Colynehas written over his past ten years in the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA), including praise poems, children’s rhymes and elegies for the departed.


Welcome to the High Cliffs (pdf)


The Book of the Order of Chivalry of Sir Nigel MacFarlene (book)
Within the Society for Creative Anachronism, Duke Nigel MacFarlane, KSCA, has reigned as king twice in the Kingdom of Ealdormere and has been a knight for over a decade. Originally from the Middle Kingdom he now dwells in the northlands with his lady, Duchess Adrielle Kerrec, OP, OL, surrounded by their household of Arrochar. In this volume, Sir Nigel expounds on the nature of chivalry, with his words on the subject being transcribed by his squire, TH Laird Colyne Stewart (also known as Todd H. C. Fischer). Within you can read his thoughts on the virtues, pilgramages, the taking of dependents, and more.


Chatelaine, Kingdom of Ealdormere, 2014 (pdf)

Chronicler, Kingdom of Ealdormere, 2014 (pdf)


ArdX (pdf)
A chronicle of the first ten years of the Canton of Ardchreag.

Eight years of event reports, from 2001 to 2007.

Florilegium historiarum Septentriae (book)
Florilegium historiarum Septentriae (kindle)
The Society of Creative Anachronism (SCA) is a world-wide living history club with members numbering in the tens of thousands. Within the SCA there are several “kingdoms” and within these kingdoms are local groups known as baronies. One of these baronies, made up of central Ontario, Canada, is known as Septentria. Septentria was the first barony to be formed in Ontario. The people of this barony, who pride themselves as being from “the heart of Ealdormere”, have a long and proud history. The Honourable Laird Colyne Stewart (otherwise known as author Todd H. C. Fischer) has, over the past decade and a half, written several histories of this barony, its peoples and their deeds. From the founding baroness, Gillian d’Uriel, up to the investiture of Dafydd and Mahhild, Colyne has collected many tales of Septentria’s past, presenting them in the form of period chronicles.

Historia Septentriae (pdf)
History of the Barony from its pre-inception to the end of the term of Their Excellencies Cynred and Gaerwen.

Historie of Ardchreag Book 2 (pdf)

Historie of Ardchreag Book 3 (pdf)

Historie of Ardchreag Book 4 (pdf)

Historie of Ardchreag Book 5 (pdf)

A history of the term of Corwyn and Domhnail as Baron and Baroness of Septentria.

A history of the term of Grom and Anneke as Baron and Baroness of Septentria.

Septentrius Historium (book)
This volume collects several publications written for the Barony of Septentria, documenting the history of the Barony from its pre-inception to the end of the term of Their Excellencies Cynred and Gaerwen.

Trilus Historium (book)
This volume features almost 80 entries documenting the happenings of events in the Kingdom of Ealdormere (Ontario, Canadia) between the years 2001 and 2007. The entries are written in a variety of voices, as Colyne uses an array of personas to show his home kingdom from a variety of different perspectives.

Ursine Chronicles (web)
A history of the term of Percival and Christiana as Baron and Baroness of Septentria

The Wolf, the Wilds, and the Will (book)
The Wolf, the Wilds, and the Will (kindle)
The Society of Creative Anachronism (SCA) is a world-wide living history club with members numbering in the tens of thousands. Within the SCA there are several “kingdoms”. One of these kingdoms, made up of most of Ontario, Canada, is known as Ealdormere. The people of this kingdom, who pride themselves as being from “the northlands”, have a long and proud history. This year, the SCA turns fifty years old, and as part of the celebrations, each kingdom was asked to write a history of its lands. In Ealdormere, this task fell to the Honourable Laird Colyne Stewart (otherwise known as author Todd H. C. Fischer). Through study of earlier histories, newsletters and discussions with founding members, Colyne has compiled this chronicle featuring many acts of dedication, service, prowess, valour, and honour.


The Skirmisher (EWP/WoT broadsheet) (editor and contributor)
     (6 issues, Vol 1 No 1 to 3, Vol 2 No 1, Vol 3 No 1, Vol 4 No 1)

The TankArd (Canton of Ardchreag newsletter) Issue 33 to Issue 45
     (14 issues, Aug 2001 to Aug 2002) (editor and contributor)

The Tidings (Kingdom of Ealdormere) Vol 29 No 11 to Vol 31 No 10
     (24 issues, Nov 2014 - Oct 2016) (editor and contributor)

The Ursus (Barony of Septentria newsletter) Vol 7 No 6 to Vol 9 No 3
     (22 issues, 2001-2004) (editor and contributor)

Period Games

The Games Guild of Ealdormere presents a books of rules and articles on various period games.

Issue one of the Games Guild of Ealdormere's newsletter.

Issue two of the Games Guild of Ealdormere's newsletter.

A pocket-sized book of game rules.


"The Book of the Order of Chivalry," The Compleat Anachronist, Issue Number 175, First Quarter, 2017. (monograph)
This is an original translation of Caxton’s “Ordre of Chyvalry”, itself a translation of Ramon Lull's work, as presented by Alfred T. P. Byles in his book The Book of the Order of Chivalry.